Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName
“a-typical approach to affiliate mrakting”
There are tons of ways to promote affiliate products. But most of these ways are dead wrong. I’ve spent 3.5 years testing different methods, because I just didn’t know which ones work and which ones don’t. Turned out almost all of them don’t work, but one. Want the deets about my method to go from 0 to your first 1,000 in affilamrakting in 30 days?
Quick recap:
Few days ago I injured myself by overstraining my body playing soccer for an hour 3 times a week (in addition to my at-home workout before the game).
I totally ignored my body’s signals and kept on playing until I collapsed during the last game and couldn’t walk.
When I got back home and stood in front of a mirror, I noticed one of the craziest sciatic stances I’ve ever seen.
It’s when your body looks kind of like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Here’s what it looks like (on the left, enable images):
I spent the next few days in bed, with my laptop, giving my tired bones some time to recover.
Recovery’s now complete and I can walk straight again (see image above on the right).
But my butt still hurts when I walk, because it’s the butt muscles that got overstrained.
Looks like I’m going to have to see the chiropractor a few times. He’s the only guy I’m ever letting work on my butt with some tools. Boy, did that come out wrong or what?
Anyway, what I’m really happy about is what’s been going on with my inkom since I sustained the injury.
Before I continue, I just want you to know — if it sounds like I’m bragging, then it’s because I am!
Anyway, since my butt muscles went on strike, I’ve been totally chained to my bed, because even bathroom trips were really painful.
I could only get to the toilet seat by holding on to the walls. It was emasculating to say the least.
But looking at my stats kept my mojo up, because I’ve been raken in that dough like a dough-raken’ machine.
Quick pit stop regarding what you’re about to see: none of it is a promise or a guarantee. I’m not promising you’ll meik anything at all and I’m not implying that I know you, your ability to follow instructions, life situation and a bunch of other stuff that may play a role in defining how far you’ll go. This is all pure entertainment. Some of it is my ego, bragging to you, because no one else will listen! š¤£
With that out of the way…
An affiliate program I show inside my sistema just brought in another 2,000 in komisions today:
And another affiliate program that pays into my Paypal has been maken daily drops into my account for the past week, averaging well over a thousand a day:
This is impressive in and on itself, I’m sure.
But what makes it mind-boggling is that I’ve been in bed, resting, as all this occurred.
Now, don’t get me wrong.
It took sweat to set up the sistemas. All this didn’t just fall in my lap. No, ma’am! But once the machine is set up – it’s game over.
This is when you can skeil your inkom and your fridum at the same time.
Something you just can’t do with a job… even if it’s a high-paying one.
No matter how much your job pays, there’s only so many hours in a week you can work.
My sistema offers true leverage. And leverage is fridum (mis-spelled on purpose btw, for all the grammar nazis out there).
What I love most about it is just how consistent and reliable it is.
Here’s an example: my Paypal screamshot for the past 90 days:
That’s 143,307 in the last 90 days, in case you don’t have your images enabled.
Three things you should know about this number:
1) This number is exactly 12.5 times higher than my annual inkom when I used to have an 80 hour a week job in the hospitality industry.
2) This is one of several streams of freedom I’ve got. It’s also not the largest one.
3) The sekret to enjoying this kind of “pasiff” results is having a sistema that works even if I don’t. Plus, a sistema that’s replicatable, so you can set up these freedom streams on regular basis to continue to increase results.
Unfortunately, most courses being paddled online don’t really work.
I know because I’ve spent years chasing them, trying them, testing them and trashing them.
Because I couldn’t find a method that works as advertised, I developed my own.
“Okay, Igor, Show Me Your Method”
Igor Kheifets & clientName